terça-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2017


Selecionei e realizei alguns exercícios sobre os falsos cognatos em Inglês, conteúdo trabalhado no terceiro ano do Ensino Médio. 

1. (ENEM 2010) Após a leitura, pode-se afirmar que:
a) a língua inglesa não traz problemas de léxicos aos lusófonos.
b) os falsos cognatos não trazem problemas aos estrangeiros.
c) tendo as mesmas origens inglês e português trazem problemas de tradução.
d) push não é puxar e sim empurrar.
e) falsos cognatos são vocábulos que têm as mesmas origens e significados.

2. Qual a melhor tradução para “to pretend”?
 a) pretender   b) ser   c) desistir   d) esconder   e) fingir

3. (FSA 2009) Quando alguém diz que está atrasado para “the College”, esse alguém está atrasado para:
a) Colégio     b) Casebre     c) Coliseu    d) Universidade     e) Escola

Qual a melhor tradução para "to assume"?
a) determinar     b) assumir       c) supor       d) resolver     e) sumir  

1          The Labour election victory in Britain has done something extraordinary: it has transformed the nation. "Everything has changed", announced the front page of The Independent. On the day after May Day, lots of people were smiling, reported The Observer. They had, they said, got rid of the Conservatives. The 1smiling voters had made sure, for several years at least, and possibly forever that "they" had been banished.
2          After 18 years of Tory 2rule, the British voters have had a change of heart. Toney Blair's new government now has the largest majority the House of Commons has seen in decades. He has become the most powerful peacetime British Prime Minister this century. And he has started to exercise this power immediately.
3          3As the new Prime Minister, he should have reached the door of 10 Downing Street in a chauffter-driven car, waved to the crowd and walked inside. 4Instead he began a presidential style walk-about, shaking hands and smiling broadly. As it follows, during their first few days of power, the new government announced changes 5both in style and in 6policy that will impact on British political life for decades.
The best translation for the word "policy" (ref.6) is
a) política.     b) polícia.    c) apólice.     d) policial.      e) polidez.  

Food Crime is an International Problem
There is a new and growing danger with the food we eat. Criminal gangs are selling billions of dollars of fake food to supermarkets around the world. The food could be very dangerous. In the past few years, there have been some high-profile scandals. In Britain, tons of horse meat ended up in products that were labeled as beef. British police recently found a product that used cheaper peanut powder instead of almond flour. This could seriously harm or kill people with peanut allergies. In 2008, six babies died in China after gangs made and sold fake milk powder. Gangs can make a lot of money from fake food. It is also safer than selling drugs for the gangs because the penalties are lower.
The assistant director of Interpol, Michael Ellis, told the BBC that food crime is very similar to the drugs trade. He said: "In my experience, the patterns used by criminals involved in counterfeiting are very similar to those used in the dealing of drugs." He said police in 33 countries showed that food crime is a serious international problem. The police found children's candies that were dyed with a poisonous chemical, 430,000 litres of fake drinks and 22 tons of long-grain rice that was labeled as high-quality basmati rice. The British government said it was a difficult problem to tackle. It said that using technology might be the only way to beat the criminal gangs.
Fonte: http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/1409/140906-food-crime-2.html. Acesso em 23/09/2014
Segundo o texto:
a) Na Grã-Bretanha toneladas de carne bovina acabaram sendo rotuladas como carne de cavalo.
b) Na Grã-Bretanha  toneladas de carne de cavalo acabaram sendo rotuladas como carne bovina.
c) Na Grã-Bretanha  toneladas de carne de carneiro acabaram sendo rotuladas como carne bovina.
d) Na Grã-Bretanha  toneladas de carne de carneiro acabaram sendo rotuladas como carne de cavalo.
e) Nos Estados Unidos da America a carne de cavalo é chamada de carne bovina.

7.  (FSA 2011)
First published in 1813, Pride and Prejudice has consistently been Jane Austen's most popular novel. It portrays life in the genteel rural society of the day, and tells of the initial misunderstandings and later mutual enlightenment between Elizabeth Bennet (whose liveliness and quick wit have often attracted readers) and the haughty Darcy. The title Pride and Prejudice refers (among other things) to the ways in which Elizabeth and Darcy first view each other. The original version of the novel was written in 1796-1797 under the title First Impressions, and was probably in the form of an exchange of letters.
O texto acima trata sobre a obra:
a)  Orgulho e Prejuizo
b) Orgulho e Preconceito
c) Orgulho e Julgamento
d)  Orgulho e Racismo

e)  Preço e orgulho

8. (FSA 2009)
Alia Sabur is the world's youngest professor. Indeed, New York-born Sabur was three days short of her 19th birthday in February when she was offered a professorship in the department of advanced technology fusion at Konkuk University in Seoul, South Korea, as part of a likely research liaison with Stony Brook University in New York.
"I was a very small person among many large adults but my parents helped," Alia Sabur says about leaving school in fourth grade to go straight to college and skipping high school altogether. "My mom drove me to college every day because I was only 10 years old and I couldn't drive. She was very supportive and helpful, as parents are, making sure I had enough food and sleep and ensuring I didn't take too many classes."
The Guinness Book of World Records says the appointment makes Sabur the youngest university professor in history - beating the previous record set almost 300 years ago. Her predecessor was a student of the great Isaac Newton, Colin Maclaurin, who was appointed professor of mathematics at the age of 19 in the University of Aberdeen in 1717.
Alia Sabur é:
a)  A mais jovem professora de Nova York.
b) A professora mais nova do mundo.
c) A professora universitária mais nova do mundo.
d) A professora universitária mais nova de Nova York.
e) A professora universitária mais ilustre do mundo.  

9. ( UNICENTRO) The only false cognate is in alternative
a) “cells”    b) “produce”    c) “cure”    d) “actually”      e) “present”

10. (METODISTA 2012) Qual a tradução da frase abaixo?
This fabric is really resistant.
a) Esta fábrica é realmente resistente.
b) Este fabricante é realmente resistente.
c) Este tecido é realmente resistente.
d) Este pano é realmente  resistente.
e) Estes panos são realmente resistentes.

11.  Injury significa:
a) Ferimento    b) Sangramento    c) Injúria    d) Difamação     e) Mentira

12. Qual das palavras abaixo teria um dos significados de Collar?

a) Cola    b) Brinco    c) Colar     d) Coleira     e) Propriedade

13. O que significa quote?

a) Discussão   b) Cota      c) Injuria      d) Difamação     e) Citação

14. The Legend of Zelda, é uma série de jogos eletrônicos da Nintendo criada em 1986 por Shigeru Miyamoto e Takashi Tezuka. Os jogos se passam no reino de Hyrule, num ambiente de fantasia. A jogabilidade mistura aventura e ação com elementos diversos. Em relação ao nome do jogo. Pode se dizer que a tradução mais apropriada seria:

a) A Legenda de Zelda.    
b) O Legado de Zelda.      
c) A Lenda de Zelda.   
d) O Legendário Zelda.

15. Quando a pessoa diz ser sensible, isso significa que ela é:
a) Sensível      b) Sensata      c) Educada      d) Erudita       e) N.D.A.

16. Customs é o mesmo que:
a) Roupa de dormir    b) Costume     c) Alfândega      d) Roupa       e) Fantasia

17. Qual a tradução mais adequada para seguinte frase?
I think that novel is quite interesting.
a) Eu acho que aquela novela é bastante interessante.
b) Eu acho que aquele novelo é bastante interessante.
c) Eu acho que aquela produção é bastante interessante.
d) Eu acho que aquele livro é bastante interessante.
e) Eu acho que aquele romance é bastante interessante.

18. Quando alguém vai à uma lecture, isso significa que ela está indo até uma:
a) Loja de alimentos   b) Loja de livros    c) Biblioteca     d) Palestra     e) N.D.A.

19. Record é o mesmo que:
a) Gravar, registrar    b) Fingir    c) Questionar    d) Filmar    e) Recordar

20. A tradução de Magazine é:
a) Loja   b) Jornal    c) Revista   d) Desenho    e) Filme

2 comentários:

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    D E D C A B B C D C

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    A D E C B C E D A C

  2. Amei as questões! Congrats! Teacher Thayse



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