Realizei e selecionei alguns exercícios sobre o Present Continuous para ajudar no aprendizado e na fixação das regras gramaticais deste tempo verbal.
Caso tenha aula dúvida, leia a aula sobre Present Continuous que possui um breve resumo sobre este assunto.
1. Acrescente o ING nos seguintes verbos e realize a tradução de cada um.
a) To sleep
sleeping (dormindo)
b) To eat
c) To dance
d) To fly
e) To walk
f) To cook
g) To organize
h) To see
i) To give
j) To begin
k) To snow
l) To fix
m) To help
n) To play
o) To live
p) To paint
q) To watch
r) To take
s) To get
t) To stop
u) To mimic
2. Passe as frases abaixo para a forma negativa e interrogativa e realize a tradução.
a) My
mother is sweeping the house.
mãe está varrendo a casa.)
mother isn’t sweeping the house.
my mother sweeping the house?
b) My friends are sleeping.
c) My cousin is dancing.
d) I’m surfing.
e) We are playing volleyball.
f) They are learning Spanish.
g) It is raining now.
3. Com base
nas imagens abaixo, crie uma frase utilizando while e que
esteja no Present Continuous.
4. Complete as lacunas com o Present Continuous.
Monday, August 16
Dear John,
I’m on vacation, in Brazil, with my family. We __________________________ (to have) a good time. Brazil is a beautiful country. The weather is hot and sunny.
Now we __________________________ (to have) a spare time in the hotel. There are a lot of things to do here. Today I __________________________ (to write) postcards and letters to my friends. My mother __________________________ (to swim), and my brother and his friends __________________________ (to play) volleyball.
My father __________________________ (to run) and my sister is listening to the music. When I arrive I’ll tell you all the news!
See you soon, George
5. Preste atenção na seguinte imagem e faça o que se pede.
a) Quando deve ser utilizado o Present Continuous?
b) Traduza a frase.
c) Passe a frase para a forma negativa e interrogativa.
d) Substitua o pronome “they” por “she” e realize sentenças afirmativa,
negativa e interrogativa.
6. Para formar o gerúndio em inglês, acrescenta-se a terminação ING no final dos verbos, porém há algumas regras e exceções. Marque a alternativa que tenha todos os verbos na forma correta do gerúndio.
a) to drive– driving / to learn – learning / to swim – swimming / to study – studying
b) to drive– driving / to learn – learning / to swim – swiming / to study – studing
c) to drive– driveing / to learn – learnning / to swim – swimming / to study – studing
d) to drive– driveing / to learn – learning / to swim – swiming / to study – studying
e) to drive– driviing / to learn – learnning / to swim – swiming / to study – studing
7. (UFPB) Don’t disturb! My brothers _____________ hard now.
a) are working b) is work c) working d) am working e) is working
8. Quanto ao estudo do Present Continuous, marque a alternativa que tenha a forma correta de uma frase nesse tempo verbal:
a) Tom and Marina is watching TV together while they are eat some sandwiches.
b) Melissa is read a love poem to Maria while she are eat chocolate.
c) We are waiting for the bus at the bus stop while I eating a pece of cake.
d) They are eat some sandwiches while she are eat pizza.
e) Fernando is working at the computer while I am studying.
9. Check the correct option.a) to drive– driving / to learn – learning / to swim – swimming / to study – studying
b) to drive– driving / to learn – learning / to swim – swiming / to study – studing
c) to drive– driveing / to learn – learnning / to swim – swimming / to study – studing
d) to drive– driveing / to learn – learning / to swim – swiming / to study – studying
e) to drive– driviing / to learn – learnning / to swim – swiming / to study – studing
7. (UFPB) Don’t disturb! My brothers _____________ hard now.
a) are working b) is work c) working d) am working e) is working
8. Quanto ao estudo do Present Continuous, marque a alternativa que tenha a forma correta de uma frase nesse tempo verbal:
a) Tom and Marina is watching TV together while they are eat some sandwiches.
b) Melissa is read a love poem to Maria while she are eat chocolate.
c) We are waiting for the bus at the bus stop while I eating a pece of cake.
d) They are eat some sandwiches while she are eat pizza.
e) Fernando is working at the computer while I am studying.
Juliet _____________________ the dishes now.
a) are washes b) is wash c) am washing d) are washing e) is washing
10. Qual é a tradução da frase:
“They are working at the computer now.”
a) Eles sempre trabalham no computador.
b) Eles trabalharam no computador ontem.
c) Eles estão trabalhando no computador agora.
d) Eles irão trabalhar no computador amanhã.
e) Ele está trabalhando no computador agora.
11. Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente as frases a seguir no Present Continuous:
I – He ________ (to play) the piano.
II – My friends ____________ (to dance) rock at the party.
a) playing / dancing
b) is play / are dance
c) are playing / are dancing
d) is playing / are dancing
e) is playing / is dancing
12. (OSEC) Jane is an excellent student. At this moment she ________________ her lesson.
a) studys b) is studying c) is studing d) are studying e) are studing
13. The negative form of “People are worrying too much” is:
a) People do not are worrying too much.
b) People aren’t worrying too much.
c) People not are worrying too much.
d) People doesn’t are worrying too much.
14. The interrogative form of “Anne is dancing on the disco.” Is:
a) Anne is dancing on the disco?
b) Does Anne is dancing on the disco?
c) Do Anne is dancing on the disco?
d) Is Anne dancing on the disco?
15. (UFMA) The present continuous form of “She drinks milk” is:
a) She were drinking milk.
b) She is drinking milk.
c) She will be drinking milk.
d) She was drinking milk.
16. (UF-PR)
- What _____?
- Peter ____ and Alice ______.
a) are Peter and Alice doing; is working; is cooking
b) Peter and Alice are doing; is working; is cooking
c) do Peter and Alice doing; is working; is cooking
d) is Peter and Alice doing; is working; is cooking
e) Peter and Alice’s doing; is works; cooks
17. Com base nas imagens abaixo qual a frase correta?
a) Stark playing water while Toby drinking spaghetti.
b) Stark eating water while Toby is drinking spaghetti.
c) Stark is drinkeing water while Toby is eating spaghetti.
d) Stark is drinking water while Toby is eatting spaghetti.
e) Stark is drinking water while Toby is eating spaghetti.
18. Quanto ao estudo do Present Continuous, marque a alternativa que tenha a forma correta de uma frase nesse tempo verbal:
a) Tom and Ana is watching TV together.b) Paul is read a love poem to Maria.
c) We are waiting for the bus at the bus stop.
d) They are eat some sandwiches.
e) Jack are working at the computer.
19. Which sentence is in the Present Progressive?
a) He has read a book.
b) He is going to read a book.
c) He is reading a book.
d) He read a book.
e) He reads a book.
20. Choose the item where all the verbs are written correctly in the -ing form.
a) Watching – writing – runing – studing
b) Studying – writing – runing – bing
c) Washing – writing – studying – beyng
d) Running – writing – studying – being
e) Studying – writting – runing – being
De acordo com a tirinha, podemos afirmar que:
I - No primeiro quadrinho, Garfield informa Odie que Jon está preparando o jantar.
II - Odie não compreende que Jon está preparando o jantar e decide comer grama.
III -Garfield informa Odie que Jon está preparando o jantar apenas para Liz, por isso Odie decide comer grama.
IV - Ao perceber que Jon está preparando o jantar, Odie decide comer grama.
Assim, podemos deduzir que Jon não é um bom cozinheiro.
a) Apenas a alternativa I é verdadeira.
b) Apenas as alternativas I e II são verdadeiras.
c) Apenas as alternativas I e III são verdadeiras.
d) Apenas as alternativas I e IV são verdadeiras.
e) Apenas as alternativas II e III são verdadeiras.
22.Which negative sentence is in the Present Progressive?
a) We aren't write a test.
b) We aren't writing a test.
c) We don't writing a test.
d) We doesn’t writing a test.
poderia disponibilizar o gabarito?
ResponderExcluira resposta da questão 21
ExcluirBom tarde! Adorei poderia disponibilizar o gabarito?
ResponderExcluirBom tarde! Adorei poderia disponibilizar o gabarito?
ResponderExcluirExcelente questões.
ResponderExcluirfaltou o gabarito
ResponderExcluirSe tivesse o gabarito seria bom.
ResponderExcluirÉ possível disponibilizar o gabarito?
ResponderExcluiro gabarito por favor
ExcluirMuito bom os exercícios sugeridos acerca de cada assunto...
ResponderExcluirMe ajudou muito!
Por favor disponibiliza o gabarito
ResponderExcluirWell done ! Can I print it ?
ResponderExcluirgente as questões são ótimas e simples, não precisa de gabarito.
ResponderExcluirParabéns! As questões estão muito boas e diversificadas. Obrigada
ResponderExcluirParabéns!!! Adorei a atividade! Thank you!
ResponderExcluirBoa noite!Onde tem o gabarito?
ResponderExcluirMuito obrigada!!! Compartilhar é um abraço de longe. mas bem carinhoso. Deus abenoe sua vida.
ResponderExcluirThank you for the activity
ResponderExcluirresposta DAS QUESTÕES
ResponderExcluironde consigo ver o gabarito?
ResponderExcluirPor gentileza, me encaminhe o gabarito destas atividades.
ResponderExcluirgabarito minha filha
ResponderExcluirGostaria do gabarito
ResponderExcluirMirmã um excelente trabalho. Colaborou com a elaboração de minha prova. Muito obrigada